Question for your cerebral mastication and consumption: what have you done lately that made your exercise regimen feel fresh?
One of my largest objections to the general populace's perception of physical activity it that it is just (and only just) that:
physical. Omitted far too often is concern for the spirit inside that body. You work so hard for the exterior, but it is unfortunate that these endeavors often become chores for those who do them because they forget that exercise too can be something one enjoys.
So I ask you: what have you done in the recent past that was new, exciting, exhilirating, thrilling, challenging, or somehow fresh in scope or approach to fitness? Nothing? If you run every day, you might just realize one day you are sick to death of running. But perhaps detours (not distractions) will help you keep that grounded mind for what you really love to do.
Never allow your passion/hobby to reach the point that it something you are obligated to do rather than something you feel compelled to do. If your mode of exercise is growing long in the tooth
, listen. Your body is telling you of its wariness for a reason. So do not only the body in which your spirit resides but your human (and therefore easily bored) awareness of spirit a favor and TRY SOMETHING NEW.
Wishing you the best... and then a little bit more,