Let's be brief:
1. No more poultry. This includes chicken, turkey, and all other forms of foul. Poultry is the only major meat I have left. I already don't eat beef or pork, so now the only meatstuff I will eat will be fish and seafood (perhaps to be given up next year). I don't drink milk as it is, and I'm going to try to give up cheese. I just bought some soy cheese. We'll see.
2. No more chocolate; it's a true vice of mine, so I'm leaving it behind. It's a strong temptation, but I just don't need it.
3. Build on some awesome end-season training to peak for the Cardinal Harbour 1/2 Ironman in July. It'll be my first half-iron distance, but training is going so well (despite a marked holiday weight gain) that I don't see how it couldn't turn out well.
4. PR in the Kentucky Derby miniMarathon (half-marathon distance). I set a rousing PR of 1:59 last year (which was about 28 minutes faster than my last one!!!), and my goal this year is 1:53 or 1:54. We'll see. Running is going really well, so I'm positive.
5. Finish the season off right with my first marathon: Chicago. Sunday, October 12th. Be there or be square.
I think a lot of people feel compelled to make new year's resolutions, but they may be emphasizing the wrong thing. Sure, the acts themselves are great, but it's the impetus behind the act that is what REALLY matters. So instead of thinking so much about WHAT you're resolving to do, think about WHY you're resolving to do it!
Happy New Year. Here's to a new year, a new you.
In health,
Happy New Year cutie!