When beyond the base-building phase and moving into your build phase of cardio training, the Endurance Energy Zone, which you have ridden so much, becomes mundane and almost old hat. My take on the Endurance Energy Zone, admittedly does not match that of the Spinning program in that I both allow and utilize the Standing Flat and Jumps on a Flat. I think to expect my students, about 98% of whom are not cyclists, to stay in the saddle for that long just on a normal day x number of times per week is begging my students to find elsewhere to be.
I do believe however in the prescribed heart rate parameters. To my mind, the benefit of 75% MHR can be had in our out of the saddle. This profile is a bit of a fusion of an interval/endurance ride for a Build portion of a training phase. Longer interval efforts, with frequent rest opportunities for absolute heart rate control.
Profile is, for whatever reason, not attaching. Comment if you'd like me to send it to you.
In health,
Can I see a copy of your EEZ ride :). Have you posted it on Pedal-on? Thanks! Amy