I know it's a bit belated, but I just wanted to wish any and all of my readership a safe and healthy thanksgiving. Hopefully now that the holiday is over you can look back and be proud of the fact that you stayed active despite eating copious amounts of fattening food. ;)
I am currently RE-writing the History & Philosophy section of the YogaMuscle manual since I accidentally saved over it last week. I am proud to say, however, that despite this grand inconvenience, it is turning out much better than the first version.... and I am including considerably more commentary on yogic history this time around.
It is true that everything happens for a reason; in retrospect, I realize my history tellings of yoga was nothing but a regurgitation of histories told by others, and that brings nothing fresh to YogaMuscle. Instead, I am implementing my own philosophy as the creator and visionary for YogaMuscle in order to develop a modern vision. I so far have taken account of yogic history up to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and am comparing and contrasting them to to traditional Hindu doctrine and finding a stance for the philosophy of YogaMuscle somewhere in the middle. If you buy the certification later in time, you'll find out what these differences are. Sorry--- no sneak peeks!
Wishing you a healthy holiday season,
Greetings - i stumbled across your blog while googling for spinning podcasts and spinning workouts. i'm a triathlete who's using the spinners at my local fitness center to keep (and maybe improve) my bike legs during the long Wisconsin winters. I've downloaded some of your guides, and have a question - some of your guides have abbreviations like "SF" ("seated flat", i assume), and some have icons like "-" or "/" - can you explain what each of these abbreviations and icons mean, or post a sheet that explains them? You could also email me at roycarl@charter.net - thanks!