The bitter cold has set in- today was the first day I had to wear a winter coat. I taught my usual 90-minute Endurance Ride tonight. The profile was meant to ease them into the idea of winter endurance work.
The goal of the ride is that between start and finish, your effort rarely changes- instead, it hovers right around 75% with fluctuations of +- 5%.
I must say. We finished the ride and our legs about fell off. I admittedly teach a lot of interval rides with fairly frequent transitions. This ride proved one thing, which is exactly what I wanted to prove: your ride doesn't have to be hard to be hard. The intensity never even came close to LT, and yet my students admitted to feeling totally whipped after 60 minutes.
Perhaps the largest challenge comes right then- from minutes 60 to 64, students receive four minutes of recovery; this is the time when they are used to cooling down in a normal 60-minute ride. So, when they had to ramp back up for the last 16 minutes of work, the room was alive with moans and groans. Check out the profile:
Attached here.
In health,
Looking good bro, are you well?